Bea Arthur, known the world over as the gravel-voiced star of The Golden Girls, made her West End stage debut in this show at the grand age of 80!
The show took an acerbic view of life, shot through with several musical numbers.
Prior to her death in April 2009, Bea Arthur made many television series, including seven seasons of The Golden Girls from 1985 to 1992, and several television specials, including The Beatrice Arthur Special in 1980. Her hugely varied stage career included starring opposite Angela Lansbury in the original Broadway production of the legendary musical Mame in 1966. As Bea Arthur herself put it, "My training has been total; I've done everything except rodeos and porn.".
The show was created by Bea Arthur and Billy Goldenberg, in collaboration with Charles Randolf Wright. Consulting on the production were Mark Waldrop and Richard Maltby Jr.